Home Real Estate Popular Design Trends at Model Homes

Popular Design Trends at Model Homes


Professional Builders, Constructors, and Designers are always eager like to introduce the modern and latest trends in their model homes to attract the buyers. These are some of the latest trends they are featuring focusing on introducing.

  1. Modern countertops: Buyers of the current era are interesting and showing a willingness to spend a great deal of money to upgrade their kitchens. Professional Builders, Constructors, and Designers are of the view that one of the first targeted upgrades tends to be the countertop. Most of them like quartz over granite. Granite being the best option has become the standard in many new homes nowadays, but many buyers are showing a greater desire for the more environmentally friendly quartz countertops.
  2. More windows: Professional Builders, Constructors and Designers also give special attention to the increase in windows and appropriate sizes of the windows in homes. A large number of buyers want to distortion the lines between indoors and outdoors and they are even willing to turn to extra windows to let it feel the best.
  3. Wider plank flooring: People of the current ear like wooden tiling floor with decorative work. Some like to opt for wider plank widths and larger tiles. They are also experiencing with more eye-catching greater color on hardwood, and designers in some cases provide greater options in engineered wood for its added durability.
  4. Owner’s entries: Nowadays Professional Builders, Constructors, and Designers keep special attention for different provisions like hanging your dresses and coats, putting the shoes, placing your keys, electronics, and other items in the model homes.

Modern Bathroom Trends of the current period.

Move over traditional styles. Contemporary and transitional-styled bathrooms are overtaking traditional in design preferences,

According to the 2017 Kitchen & Bath Design Trends Report by the National Kitchen & Bath Association, there is a common trend that people are replacing traditional bathroom styles with modern and stylish bathroom.

The result of the survey shows new bathroom trends as per following detail:

Different and eye-catching color schemes.

Most popular color schemes: Whites, off/whites, and gray

Professional Builders, Constructors, and Designers also keep importance for showing greater preferences for incorporating violets and purples.

Most commonly used bathroom storage solutions: Linen storage cabinets and wood vanities

Moving vanities and open shelves are increasing in number, while the use of toilet topper cabinets is disappearing gradually. Also, more bathroom provides in electric power outlets directly inside drawers or vanity cabinets for powering up hair dryers, curling irons, and shavers.

These trends are perhaps different for every state and for every climate, however Quarts maybe ok for bathrooms but it is not a good choice for kitchens because every pigment is visible, you cannot put hot tray or cattle on quartz and you cannot cut anything on it, not a practical choice at all.

More windows are absolutely not in trend in FL where there is too much sun and people are trying to stay away from windows and close them off. Wider planks would be good in Montana, probably not in NY, or any urban area, they are too country. Drop zones are laughable; there are no closets or entry holes in most models in FL, CA and anywhere in the South. It would be nice if someone with actual knowledge of topic wrote something useful.

Professional Builders, Constructors, and Designers are a good source for the people to have lavish, modern with a state-of-the-art provision in Pa real estate for our homes.