Home Real Estate Legal Rights to Control Noisy Neighbors

Legal Rights to Control Noisy Neighbors


If you are facing problems with the neighbors, like unwanted noise etc. you have many to resolve noise issues between you and your neighbors

Almost in every country, estate, kingdom, and community, there have been some specific neighbor laws and ordinances designed to prevent the unwanted noise of neighbors causing disturbance for others, especially in the night time. The local administrative bodies and other law enforcement agencies and local police etc. are there to enforce noise ordinance laws, but there are certain things you should do before taking any legal action like lodging of report etc. You should find out the particulars of your local agencies and state noise ordinances via the Internet or by getting legal advice from the legal practitioners and advisors of the state.

If you are living in a rental flat, you must have signed a lease agreement. Please go through this agreement to find out any section, subsection or clause about appropriate noise levels. After doing this contact your landlord and give him a briefing about the problem, first personally followed by in writing a complaint. Also, inform him whatever you did up till now to resolve the problem and make sure to keep a copy of written report.

Now your house owner is responsible for taking necessary steps like contacting and counseling the person. If it is done with then ok, otherwise he will involve the local agencies and police to enforce noise ordinances in letter and spirit. If the property owner does not take the pain to resolve the issue, you can report noise problems to your local police. Some communities also have a homeowners association that can help you deal with noise issues. You are also protected by specific laws. For example, every citizen is eligible to peaceful enjoyment — the right to undisturbed use and enjoyment of their property.

Before you file a written complaint with the police, try to resolve the issue by asking the offender to turn down the noise. Sometimes noisy neighbors violating noise ordinances are not aware that they are causing a problem for the neighbors. For example, a neighbor residing on the first floor cannot judge that his working out to an exercise or jumping on the floor is badly disturb the others. A personal and policeman discussions might be sufficient to solve the problem.

If the offender is adamant in any way and continually violating a noise ordinance, you will need to file a noise complaint with your local police department or other law enforcement agencies. It may take time or several reports may be required before the police will respond in person.

In many, you can file a noise ordinance complaint online, but smaller cities might require you to call the police department or other law enforcement agencies.

If you wish to file a case against the neighbor, one noise violation report is not enough in severe events. You will need to document the noise violations and prove that they are happening on a regular basis before you have a case. This takes time and money, but the more you document, the better chance you have a case.

If you want to file a case contact the legal practitioner or adviser.

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