Home Interior Design Figma Unveils Exciting New AI Tool for Designers

Figma Unveils Exciting New AI Tool for Designers


A popular software company known as Figma provides different tools for product designing. Recently, they have introduced a new tool, FigJam AI. This is a part of Figma’s online whiteboard platform.

For common design tasks, FigJam AI is created so that it can create different templates for specific tasks. It not only allows the user to be creative in his work but also stops them from using setup tasks, resulting in helping the team design the products much faster. 

This tool is free for everyone as Figma has allowed everyone to get a hand on this new feature.

How FigJam AI Works

There are many features but one of the highlighting features of FigJam AI is its ‘GENERATE’ function. When you click on the generate button, you will be shown different prompt ideas for different templates. 

There is a search bar where you can type words and phrases to tell FigJam AI to generate templates of your own choice. The AI will instantly generate a template on your request. 

The Goal of FigJam AI

The introduction of FigJam AI is to let the user know that design creation has been made easy. Figma creators know that designing is not everyone’s cup of tea which is why they introduced this to help non-designers design the product/website as professionals.

FigJam AI saves teams time and speeds up collaboration. This allows everyone to focus more on the quality of work.

Benefits of FigJam AI

FigmaJam AI has its benefits which are mentioned below:

Focuses Efforts on Creativity

  • Automates the repetitive parts of projects that drain mental energy.
  • Allows designers to put more focus on ideation and innovation.
  • Teams can concentrate their efforts on strategy and creative problem-solving instead of setup work.

Makes Templating Accessible to Anyone

  • Easy enough for beginners and non-designers to create templates.
  • No specialized graphic design skills are required.
  • Democratizes design by making it simple for any team member to translate ideas into templates.

Speeds Up Overall Process

  • Designers, product managers, and engineers can visualize concepts faster.
  • Rapid prototypes and mockups to accelerate development sprints.
  • Bring increased tempo and velocity to the product design process.

Drives Efficiency

  • Reduces redundant work across an organization.
  • Saves money on employee hours required for templating tasks.
  • Frees up resources to reallocate to other initiatives.

Works Seamlessly With Figma Products

  • Templates quickly import into other Figma apps like Figma Mirror and Figma for iOS.
  • Enables continuity from whiteboard concept to interactive prototype.
  • One connected ecosystem improves speed and alignment.

Promotes Collaboration

  • Entire teams can co-create templates together in real time.
  • Virtual whiteboard format makes alignment easy.
  • Encourages active, transparent participation across departments.

Embraces Continuous Improvement Mindset

  • Figma plans to keep expanding the capabilities of FigJam AI.
  • Will get smarter over time as algorithms evolve.
  • Represents an investment in constant progress through AI and automation.

Limitations of the Initial FigJam AI Release

While FigJam AI has game-changing potential, the first version does have some limitations. Figma will likely address many of these restrictions over time. But at launch, key drawbacks include:

  • Limited Types of Templates: For now, FigJam AI only supports common templates like calendars, Gantt charts, cycles, and retrospective frameworks.
  • Few Customization Options: Users have some ability to tweak templates, but not as freely as custom-building templates from scratch.
  • Potential Cost After Beta: FigJam AI is free in beta, but Figma may eventually charge subscription fees for the AI capabilities.
  • Privacy Uncertainty: No clarification yet on how much access Figma collects on usage data, templates created, and content.
  • Exports Not Available Yet: No way to export the AI-generated templates out of FigJam in the first release. Can only utilize them within the whiteboard environment.

While powerful overall, the first FigJam AI release inevitability has room for refinement and additional features. As Figma iterates on the product, they will likely expand the breadth and depth dramatically.

Figma should clarify its long-term privacy commitments, especially relating to AI user data. Trust is crucial, and transparency around data practices can assure customers. Figma should be exceedingly careful with the sensitive intellectual property created in FigJam.

Until Figma reveals more, customers may have reservations given the uncertainty. Figma should prioritize open communication around AI ethics policies to maintain goodwill.

How FigJam AI Compares to Rival Products

FigJam AI is pioneering new territory with its instant template generator. But competitors like Miro, Mural, and Microsoft’s new Designer platform have related features to varying degrees:

Miro – Robust selection of pre-made templates across multiple categories that serve common use cases. However, all templates must still be manually customized once inserted onto the canvas. No AI assistance is available.

Mural – Similarly offers a wide template library with frameworks to accelerate workshops and design sprints. Templates can be accessed via keyword search to filter selections. But again, no AI features for personalized recommendations or automated template crafting.

Microsoft Designer – Showcases some unique touches like multi-page templates and built-in animations absent in FigJam. But focuses more on enhancing static templates rather than automating creation with AI. Does not currently match FigJam AI’s level of intelligent assistance.

In summary, competitors allow efficient access and organization around existing templates. But none yet provide generative AI to instantly produce templates tailored to user requests. Figma appears highly differentiated from rival platforms with its AI template innovation.

Industry Reactions to the FigJam AI News

The unveiling of FigJam AI generated enthusiastic reactions across the design and SaaS industries:

“This could be the next major evolution in synthesizing ideas quickly during creative workshopping. Figma is expanding the horizons of design productivity.” – Robert Thompson, Partner at IDEO

“The value creation implications for product teams could be immense. Translating concepts into structured frameworks 10x faster thanks to FigJam AI will lead to dramatically faster go-to-market speed.” – Angela Moritz, former VP of Product at Asana

“Figma keeps pushing what’s possible at the intersection of design and engineering collaboration. FigJam AI has the potential to massively scale creativity by removing repetitive barriers.” – Diego Meller, CEO of Franz

“These promises to significantly augment the design process through automation. Teams will be able to bypass much of the routine heavy lifting of structuring methodologies and spend more time on discovery and solutions.” – Teresa Torres, author of Continuous Discovery Habits

“Figma is prudently leveraging AI to enhance human creativity rather than replace it. FigJam AI makes best practices around visualization and alignment more accessible to all. Wise application of technology.” – Nat Friedman, CEO of GitHub

The overwhelmingly positive response reflects the inspiring potential around FigJam AI. Industry leaders believe it can empower teams to innovate faster while designing products more efficiently.


The introduction of FigJam AI marks an exciting milestone for Figma. Automation has the power to greatly accelerate collaborative design when applied judiciously.

Figma deserves credit for envisioning how AI can upgrade templating instead of merely replicating what already exists. This creative ethos around expanding human potential is what builds customer loyalty over the long term.

Of course, the current FigJam AI capabilities are just the beginning. As Figma enhances the feature’s scope, personalization, and integrations over multiple releases, it will become an even more indispensable asset.

Given Figma’s meteoric rise to stardom on the strength of its core design platform, perhaps it should be no surprise they would trailblaze again with FigJam AI. When artful software takes the friction out of creative domains, the pace of innovation benefits enormously.