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Impress Your Professor by Strategically Revising Your Paper

Impress Your Professor by Strategically Revising Your Paper


Essay revisions are often intimidating for college students. Especially when your professor is not happy despite all the efforts you put in coming up with the contents of that essay. Things get rough when you have an essay to revise on a short notice, no one to assist and many tasks pending on your to-do list.

If your essay revision is not going good enough and you are worried your professor won’t be happy with your essay revision, this blog is written for you. One reason why revisions repel you greatly can be that you don’t have a good know-how of essay revision strategy.

Here we have rounded up some tips that will help you nail an essay revision and impress your professor with your editing skills

Focus on Comments

You are lucky if your professor has sent your document with some comments on it because these comments will give you a direction. You can thoroughly read the comments and understand where to start.

See the comments your professor sent you. Know what it that he/she is unhappy about is spellings, formatting, quality, relevance, and references. It can be anything. Once you understand the comments, you can start from addressing the comments.

Understand Revision Process

Like I earlier discussed, students dread revision because they don’t understand the process. Here is the basic revision process you should follow during revision

Read the document thoroughly keeping in minds the revision comments and start by resolving the concerns your professor shared via comments.

Pick out grammar or spelling mistakes. Preferably, check your essay via free grammar checking tools to be sure there aren’t any errors left.

Compare your document against the original guidelines and see if you have put together the contents of your essay with respect to instructions or not.

Check the legitimacy of your facts. Your essay might be based on the facts that are outdated now. Check the figures too as they might not be relevant to your topic.

Assess the flow of your essay. Your essay might not be making sense to the professor because of the disoriented structure of an essay.

Rewrite where necessary. Your essay might contain such sections that are not written properly or express dual meaning. Get rid of such sections.

Get your essay read by an expert in your area or a senior university mate to have a second opinion. Preferably, the second opinion is good once you have taken all other steps.

The bottom line

Now that you are well-aware of the basic revision process, let’s discuss the most important thing. Don’t forget to see if your essay is answering ‘all the questions that your essay topic poses. No matter how well-formulated your essay might be, there’s no point if it’s not all the questions that are given on the topic. For instance, if you have not discussed the countries that lost in World War II while writing an essay on the “aftermath of World War II”, then it won’t hold much value.

The basic revision process and accompanying tips will help you do an essay revision effectively in a short time. All you need to do is to adhere to the guidelines shared here.

Does an essay revision annoy you like nothing else? Read this blog to revise your essays effectively. If you still don’t find it easy, get unlimited essay revisions done for free at papershelm Academic Writing