Home Health and Fitness The Fundamental Rules of Exercises

The Fundamental Rules of Exercises


The ABC’s or fundamental rules of exercises make sure that you get the most out of all sweat session, whether you are at home in your living room or at the gym franchise with a friend. Remain these basic guidelines in mind as you build extra exercises into your routine.

Proper Form

Some trainer will tell you, proper form is dangerous to make the most of every exercise. Without it, you can hurt yourself and miss out on the settlement of everyone travel. There are a few general exercises where the form is compromised; do these moves in front of a mirror so you can correct if required.

Squat: To do a good squat, imagine that you are sitting back into a chair, with your butt out and back straight. Once in the squat position, wiggle your toes. There be supposed to be no pressure on your toes, so you should be able to move them with ease. If there is pressure, rock back onto your heels.

Lunge: The major mistake with lunges can cause havoc on your knees: letting your knee extend past your toes. As soon as performing lunges, extend your leg far ahead; you should be able to see the tips of your toes in the mid-lunge position.

Pushup or plank: In these moves, you want to remain your midsection from sagging. To make the majority of the exercise, stay everything straight from your butt to your head. Two ways to do this: 1. Look ahead of you, not down, which will help keep everything else straight, 2. Pull your abs in tight which should take pressure off your lower back and onto your abs where it must be.


There is truth to the phrase, variety is the spice of life. When it comes to exercising, there are two important reasons to incorporate variety into your routine:

Beat boredom: It is simple to get sick of the same old routine, which leads to missed workouts. Try a new class, a new exercise or a new machine once a week to remain it interesting.

Better muscle growth: Your body will get used to anything if you do it enough times. In order to see the most progress, incorporate different exercises as much as possible.

Slow Progression

If you progress too quickly, moving to a new weight set, for example, you risk hurting yourself. Increase 10% with each passing week, or every other week, to build muscle appropriately and safely.

Overall Focus

Every part of your body works with another part to move efficiently, which makes it critical that your entire body is strong, not just a few muscles. Whereas adding variety into your workout will help to combat this problem, focus on a different muscle group with each exercise. For example, make Monday leg day, Tuesday arm day, take Wednesday off and then make Thursday shoulders and abs day and Friday tough cardio day, such as an HIIT workout on the treadmill. This helps to force balance in a routine that could easily become stale, focused on the same few muscles every time.