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Learn Everything About The VA Unemployability Program!

Learn Everything About The VA Unemployability Program!

If you are unable to work due to disablement caused during your military service then you are eligible for the VA unemployability program and its benefit. To help you obtain all these benefits with ease, K&D Veteran Medical Assessment are here to help. With this program, you are able to get disability compensation or benefits on the same level as the Veteran who has a 100% disability rating. Let’s have a look at all the details of this after discharge military benefit;

Eligibility criteria for VA unemployability

To be eligible for the VA unemployability you have to meet the following requirements;

  1. You should have at least one service-related disability which is rated 60%+.
  2. You are not able to bear a steady job that can support you and your family financially. The reason for this should be your service-related disability. Marginal employment (odd jobs) is not counted in this criteria.

Important Note: In a case that you have to be in the hospital often, you may be eligible for the unemployability program at a lower disability rating.

Other requirements for the VA unemployability claim

When you file a VA disability unemployment claim, you’ll also need to fill out these additional documents for individual unemployability benefits:

  1. A Veteran’s Application for Increased Compensation that is based on unemployability (VA Form 21-8940)
  2. A request for employment information in relation to the claim for disability benefits (VA Form 21-4192)

What are the unemployability benefits and how we can help you get them?

To get the VA unemployability benefits you need to file a claim. When you file your claim, you have to provide supporting documents as evidence for your disability case.

The supporting documents include medical reports, doctor statements, or medical test results. These documents should show that you are unable to work because of your injury/disability. Your work and education history will also be reviewed by our experts to see if your case is strong enough not to get rejected by VA.

Example: A Veteran has a service-connected kidney condition and a 60% disability rating. He was still able to work until last year but after that, he began to get kidney pain while doing any physical activity on his service. The doctor advised the veteran to retire as soon as possible. So he filed a claim for the VA disability program. Then our experts reviewed his work and education history and agreed that he was individually unemployable because of his service-related disability. So we increased his disability compensation to the same rate as a 100% disabled Veteran.

How KDVMA Helps You With VA unemployability

It often happens that the VA unemployability claim gets rejected by the VA authorities because one or more requirements are not fulfilled. To help you make sure that something like this does not happen, KDVMA’s experts thoroughly review and observe your claim application and supporting medical evidence. This leads to hassle-free processing of your claim which helps you get the VA unemployability benefits as soon as possible. So contact KDVMA today and make your life comfortable with the VA unemployment benefits that every honourably discharged Veteran with a disability deserves.